by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Witnessing a surgeon cut open an anesthetized patient to perform surgery reveals the complexity and power of available through surgical procedures. Understanding the risks of such procedures usually cannot be tangibly measured until the risk becomes a necessity....
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Computers and cell phones play a significant role in modern society. A 2015 survey revealed that 53% of people listed their cell phone as the most important item they would save from their home during a house fire. Most people use their cell phone as much as an...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Many people assume that the primary focus of Chiropractic care benefits only those people who suffer from back and neck pain. This misconception takes root through word of mouth, past experiences, and even false information. The truth powerfully attests to a much...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Pain lasting more than three months in duration becomes labeled as chronic pain. More than a third of the U.S. population (110 million people) suffers from some form of chronic pain. Nothing robs the joy and happiness out of life more than pain persistent and nagging...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Spine and nervous system stress exists in both children and adults. Children need the benefits of Chiropractic care as much as their parents. Chiropractors specialize in helping children and adults of all ages maximize their health by making sure the spine is aligned...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Many current or prospective chiropractic patients ask about the noise radiating from a Chiropractic adjustment. Patients eagerly ask about the popping and cracking sounds that occur with some adjustments. There exists a mix of curiosity and a desire to know that the...