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Many people assume that injuries and spinal problems originate from accidents or collisions which occur at high speeds or with extreme force. Research says otherwise. A collision produced by speeds as low as 5 mph inside a motor vehicle creates enough force to result in moderate to severe long-term spinal injury or damage. A study from 2006 evaluated the risk of low speed and low impact collisions. This study determined that a crash at speeds of just 5.97 MPH resulted in symptoms of strains and headaches. This information reconstructed the way doctors and researchers understand the influence of the most minor accidents or low impact collisions.

Chiropractors educate the public on the importance of preventative and proactive care. Some draw comparisons to dentistry where routine maintenance provides the best defense from cavities and painful surgeries. Chiropractic offers the same opportunity for long-term wellness through the maintenance of the spine. Pain often arrives as the last indicator that shows something is wrong in the body (or the teeth). Regular checkups address the early stages of problems before the pain or symptoms arise. Research dictates that anyone involved in low speed collisions risks long term damage from whiplash if undetected tissue damage goes undetected. Chiropractic offers a healthy alternative.

Schedule an Appointment - We are here to help you!

Overland Park, KS Clinic

6701 W. 121st Street  |  Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66209

Olathe, KS Clinic

10454 S. Ridgeview Rd.
Olathe, KS 66061

Prairie Village, KS Clinic

4121 W. 83rd St. |  Suite 147
Prairie Village, KS 66208

Raytown, MO Clinic

10803 E State Rte 350 | Suite B
Raytown MO 64138

Lee's Summit, MO Clinic

338 Southwest Main St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64063

Belton/Raymore, MO Clinic

17027 Bel-Ray Blvd.
Belton, MO 64012

Blue Springs, MO Clinic

622 SW US 40 Hwy
Blue Springs, MO 64014

Liberty, MO Clinic

1520 N. Church Rd  |  Suite C
Liberty, MO 64068