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Many people assume that the primary focus of Chiropractic care benefits only those people who suffer from back and neck pain. This misconception takes root through word of mouth, past experiences, and even false information. The truth powerfully attests to a much greater purpose for Chiropractic care. The spine shares an intimate connection to all functions in the body through the wiring of the nervous system.

Chiropractic adjustments improve so many aspects of health and performance for babies, kids, and adults of all ages. The functional capacity of the body extends far beyond the limits that people tend to set for this powerful creation. The image below encapsulates the massive complexity and powerful potential that exists through the spine’s connection to the nervous system. The intricate complexity of nervous system wiring project a better understanding of how interference in the spinal cord creates health issues throughout the body. Tiny misalignments in the nervous system lead to health malfunctions. Vertebral misalignments (known as subluxations) tend to be pain-free in their onset. They operate like high blood pressure and cavities by manifesting long after damage exists. Specific testing locates and detects vertebral misalignments. Chiropractors assess and correct subluxations to allow the body to heal and improve performance. Optimizing spinal health and nervous system function provides greater health potential for every member of the family.

Research in 2015 revealed that spinal adjustment influences much more than back or neck pain. The article reviewed 68 studies detailing the relationship between spinal adjusting, special neurons in and around the spine, the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, immunology, and visceral physiology. This particular study emphasized that spinal adjustive care influenced much more than musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Chiropractors have subscribed to this knowledge and practice for over 120 years. A primary reason that spinal adjustments maintain such a profound influence on human health and performance exists due to the relationship between the spine and central nervous system.

Schedule an Appointment - We are here to help you!

Overland Park, KS Clinic

6701 W. 121st Street  |  Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66209

Olathe, KS Clinic

10454 S. Ridgeview Rd.
Olathe, KS 66061

Prairie Village, KS Clinic

4121 W. 83rd St. |  Suite 147
Prairie Village, KS 66208

Raytown, MO Clinic

10803 E State Rte 350 | Suite B
Raytown MO 64138

Lee's Summit, MO Clinic

338 Southwest Main St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64063

Belton/Raymore, MO Clinic

17027 Bel-Ray Blvd.
Belton, MO 64012

Blue Springs, MO Clinic

622 SW US 40 Hwy
Blue Springs, MO 64014

Liberty, MO Clinic

1520 N. Church Rd  |  Suite C
Liberty, MO 64068