Help with Acupuncture & Chiropractic Treatment!
The decision to add to your family is one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life. But what our team also knows it that it can be very stressful and make such a beautiful process seem daunting and irritating. Chiropractic and Acupuncture are a non-invasive and very affordable approach to optimizing your fertility, rebalancing and reducing stress within your body, and removing nervous system interference that may be the root cause of infertility. It is commonly known that many In-Vitro fertilization patients have been utilizing acupuncture to increase the chance of having a successful pregnancy. We recommend to start with Acupuncture and Chiropractic first if you can! We have 3 chiropractic acupuncturists that have fantastic results. There is never a better feeling than to help someone achieve their dream to start a family.
Acupuncture is a specific form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that addresses the proper balance of Yin and Yang and its relation to the 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. More and more studies are being published each year that show the strong relation to increased fertility associated with acupuncture.
Chiropractors are nervous system specialists and reducing interference in the nervous system is the primary goal. Keeping the spine in alignment, the nervous system clear of interference, and using other natural modalities such as specific nutritional supplementation, exercise and lifestyle counseling make the chiropractor one of your best options to help your body function the way it was designed to.
“My husband and I have been trying to have another baby for two years. I’d been tested for appropriate hormone levels at different points in my menstrual cycle, had an HSG performed, verified each month that I was ovulating, charted for months, and even tried three rounds of intra-uterine-insemination both without and with hormone support.
My husband had been tested for sperm count, motility, and shape. Everything tested normal and the doctors could not provide us an explanation of why we could not conceive. Our next move in traditional treatment was invitro-fertilization, which is extremely expensive and requires huge amounts of hormones. Given that my hormone levels were tested to be within the normal range, we weren’t ready to take all of that on yet.
Dr. Woodle had successfully treated a previous pain problem I had, so my husband suggested I ask him about acupuncture for infertility. He explained, in the simplest terms, that if my energy in my body isn’t balanced that my body could be responding to a fertilized egg attempting to implant as an allergen– and reject it.
Within the first month of seeing Dr. Woodle for acupuncture to address my infertility, my husband and I got pregnant. Since Dr. Woodle has also been treating my nausea with acupuncture and I’m happy with it’s effectiveness. Dr. Woodle is awesome!”
~J.C, 41, Leawood, KS
*Update, J.C now has 2 beautiful girls and is doing great! Still comes in for regular wellness check-ups.
Schedule an Appointment – We are here to help you!
Overland Park, KS Clinic
6701 W. 121st Street | Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66209
Olathe, KS Clinic
10454 S. Ridgeview Rd.
Olathe, KS 66061
Prairie Village, KS Clinic
4121 W. 83rd St. | Suite 147
Prairie Village, KS 66208
Raytown, MO Clinic
10803 E State Rte 350 | Suite B
Raytown MO 64138
Lee's Summit, MO Clinic
338 Southwest Main St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Belton/Raymore, MO Clinic
17027 Bel-Ray Blvd.
Belton, MO 64012
Blue Springs, MO Clinic
622 SW US 40 Hwy
Blue Springs, MO 64014
Liberty, MO Clinic
1520 N. Church Rd | Suite C
Liberty, MO 64068