Chiropractic Can Help! The team at ASFCA are trained in many techniques for evaluating the function of the joints and nervous system in the lumbosacral area. We will perform a comprehensive examination to rule out any underlying pathology and determine what the best approach to treatment for you condition would be. Treatment can include and combination of chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, rehabilitative exercises or herbal remedies. In a study form the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (May 1999) women with PMS symptoms also experienced a higher incidence of back pain when compared to a group that did not report PMS symptoms.
Acupuncture Can Help! Our Acupuncturists will evaluate the movement and balance of Qi’ throughout the body. Seeking disturbances that cause stagnations, deficiencies, and imbalances in the body energy system of Ying and Yang energies. Upon examination we will be able identify the causes of your problems and the best way to address them, comfortably.
After the examination, if the patient’s symptoms can be treated with chiropractic, acupuncture or specific nutritional or herbal remedies we will begin therapeutic procedures to reduce the symptoms of the area and attempt to normalize the biomechanical and neurological integrity of the affected areas. This often includes gentle chiropractic adjustments (manipulation) to the restricted spinal vertebrae, acupuncture treatments, and can include ice/heat packs, ultrasound, massage, electrical stimulation, low level light (laser) therapy and traction. As the patient improves, most doctors will begin to transition the patients into active rehabilitation to support the area, to ensure strength and stability to the area. Nutritional supplementation, diet modification, and additional exercises are usually discussed as well as the patient is progressing through the treatment plan.
How Acupuncture Can be an Effective Treatment for PMS
Schedule an Appointment – We are here to help you!
Overland Park, KS Clinic
6701 W. 121st Street | Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66209
Olathe, KS Clinic
10454 S. Ridgeview Rd.
Olathe, KS 66061
Prairie Village, KS Clinic
4121 W. 83rd St. | Suite 147
Prairie Village, KS 66208
Raytown, MO Clinic
10803 E State Rte 350 | Suite B
Raytown MO 64138
Lee's Summit, MO Clinic
338 Southwest Main St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Belton/Raymore, MO Clinic
17027 Bel-Ray Blvd.
Belton, MO 64012
Blue Springs, MO Clinic
622 SW US 40 Hwy
Blue Springs, MO 64014
Liberty, MO Clinic
1520 N. Church Rd | Suite C
Liberty, MO 64068