by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
A HEALTHY spine produces a healthy nervous system and better OVERALL health. No human performs at optimal capacity with an unhealthy master control system. Spinal health is best measured by alignment and intersegmental movement between each vertebra. People rarely...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Nearly all people have heard news about a middle-aged man who dies of a heart attack while jogging the day after receiving a clean bill of health from his medical doctor. Many know about someone in their thirties diagnosed with stage-4 cancer without having any signs...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
If there was a magic pill to eliminate pain forever, we would all take it. Until that day, there are simple strategies you can use to help manage your chronic pain. Simple, such as finding daily movement strategies that lessen your pain and enable you to keep doing...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Pain serves an important function in our lives. When you suffer an acute injury, pain warns you to stop the activity that is causing the injury and tells you to take care of the affected body part. Chronic pain, on the other hand, persists for weeks, months, or even...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
The musculoskeletal (MSK) system is the “backbone” of your body, literally. It’s comprised of not only the spine but all your muscles, bones and joints. It’s what gives your body form. It’s what makes it possible for you to move and do the things you enjoy. Keeping...
by ASFCA | Health & Wellness Resources
Scientific studies actually conducted University studies that proved the truth behind the old adage that, “A happy wife leads to a happy life.” Few quotes ring more true. Women make up half of the human race. They help the other half of the (men) survive while giving...